Last week, we invited back key stakeholders who could attend the initial design workshop for OICP in late 2022. The Feedback Design Workshop was again facilitated by Architect and Design Scotland and supported by our architects from AB+C and members of the project board. It provided the opportunity to review the current design plans for OICP residential services generated by AB+C who have used co-production to inform and influence the design to capture the needs, wants and aspirations of the people we support, families and staff.

We look forward to sharing the residential design plans and site layout with all families, staff and people we support. We plan to hold a dedicated drop-in session in the future where the design plans can be viewed and members of the design team will be on hand to offer assistance. In the meantime, should you have any queries please get in touch to provide feedback and find further information about the process, the design statement and resources used at the design feedback workshop.

Naomi Smith, our Co-Production Leader, can arrange a viewing of plans at Upper Springland for those who may wish to discuss further when in Perth.
Further information about the process, the design statement and resources used at the design feedback workshop are available to view below. In the meantime, should you have any queries or wish to provide feedback please get in touch.